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how to fix ps4 controller charging port

Repair Buddy

Updated: Aug 7, 2022

This video is about how to fix ps4 controller charging port, you can follow the instruction step by step to repair your own ps4 controller. The ps4 controller fix made in this video is easy and can be done by anyone.

how to fix ps4 controller charging port

The DualShock 4 controller is designed to be used both wirelessly and wired with your PlayStation 4, and it's supposed to charge when you plug it in via USB. If you find that your PS4 controller won't charge, there's a really easy fix among many. Before you toss your controller, or send it in for expensive repairs, we have a number of easy fixes you can try yourself.

What Causes a PS4 Controller to Not Charge

When a PS4 controller fails to charge, there are a handful of potential causes to examine. There may be a problem with the charging port or cable, a problem with the PS4 that prevents it from providing power over USB, or a problem with the PS4 controller battery.

ps4 controller charging port not working

Charging port issues

Ports may be obstructed by debris or physically damaged. Cleaning out or replacing the port may solve this problem.

Charging cable issues

The micro USB end of the cable may be broken or worn out, or the cable itself may be bad. Some USB cables aren't designed for charging.

PS4 issues

There are a few problems that may prevent the PS4 from charging your controllers. You may be able to fix this by resetting the controller or power cycling the console, or just charge your controller using a different charger.

Hardware problems

Two common hardware failures that can occur with this sort of problem are the charging port and the battery. These are both fairly easy to replace, so most users won't want to enlist the services of a professional.

How to Fix a PS4 Controller That Won't Charge

If your DualShock 4 controller won't take a charge, perform each of the following troubleshooting steps to try and get it working again.

Check the charging cable connection

If your DualShock 4 controller doesn't start charging immediately, carefully remove the micro USB connector from the port in the controller, and reinsert it. Make sure that the connector is fully seated and doesn't wobble around. If it feels loose or falls out when you move it, then you probably have a worn out cable. Check the little spring steel clips on the connector to see if they have been pushed in or worn down.

Try a different USB cable

If you have multiple micro USB cables on hand, try a few of them to see if your controller is able to charge. It's important to use a cable that can both provide power and transmit data.

Plug your USB cable into something other than your PS4

If a PS4 controller does not charge when plugged into the console's USB ports, try using a high quality USB charger or a powered USB port on your computer or laptop.

Inspect and clean the charging port on your controller

The micro USB connector is so small that it's easy to plug one in even if the port has dirt, dust, or other contaminants inside. If you're trying to use a cable with a portable device like a phone or tablet that won't charge anymore, you can use canned air or an electric blower to clear out the charging port and examine inside with a flashlight. If you see any debris, you can try to clean it further with a small implement like a toothpick. Or better yet, get a charging port cleaning kit!

DustKiller All-in-One Cleaning Port Kit

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140 Pcs Phone Cleaning Ki
Reset your PS4 controller

If your controller won't charge, it could be because of a firmware issue. To fix this, insert a toothpick or other similar implement into the small hole on the back of your controller for about five seconds. After that, plug the controller in, boot up your PS4, and see if the controller will take a charge.

Power cycle your PS4

If the controller still doesn't charge, try power cycling the console. To do this, shut down the console and controller, unplug the console from power, and leave it unplugged for about 20 minutes.

Replace the PS4 controller charging port

If you find that the charging port is loose or damaged, then the only fix is to replace it. This means taking apart the controller, unscrewing and removing the charging port board, and disconnecting the ribbon cable that connects it to the main board. It isn't especially difficult, but it's a good idea to be sure first that the charging port is at fault before wasting time and money on parts.

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Replace the PS4 controller battery

If you have tried everything else to fix your controller, changing the battery may be all that's left. The DualShock 4 does not use easily replaceable batteries like the Xbox One controller, so you'll need to take apart your controller and unplug the old battery from the main circuit board before putting in a new one.

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